Waterproofing of tunnels

In the tunnel waterproofing covering the outside of the tunnel, materials that provide a high classification of reaction to fire and high mechanical characteristics are required, as well as the proper functions of guiding-channeling the tunnel water leaks from the vault to the gable end. TROCELLEN TUNEL CLASIFICADO FUEGO is a composite and lightweight plastic sheet which offers such functionalities.

Waterproofing sheet composed of:

  • Technical reinforcing fabric that provides the sheet with a high resistance to breakage and a good tear behavior to the nail.
  • Chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam with low water absorption and a low coefficient of thermal conductivity that provide the sheet with thermal insulation properties, preventing leaks
  • Polyethylene film, which facilitates the work of installation favoring the sticking / heat welding of the overlaps between sheets.

Properties and values (*)

Thickness EN ISO 1923 mm 5,5
Weight/Surface EN ISO 845 gr/m2 440
Nail tearing (longitudinal/transversal) EN 12310-1 N 314/246
Fire reaction classification EN 13501-1 B, s1 – d0

(*) The properties and values ​​given can not be considered as product specification. The values given are from a singular sample ramdomly selected and measured in an external and independent laboratory, and dos not guarantee the behaviour of the rest of material produced or installed afterwards.


  • Lightweight system
  • High tear nail resistance
  • Waterproof material
  • CFC and Chlorine free
  • Excelent fire behaviou